The Draper Nation Manifesto
The Draper Nation Manifesto is a document crafted to shape a digital nation founded on the principles of freedom, trust, prosperity, and progress, where every netizen enjoys equal rights, opportunities, and access. This Manifesto is co-created by the community in the spirit of unity, open collaboration, and decentralized decision-making.

In an age where technology connects us more than ever, and land-based governments become less and less relevant to ordinary people in an increasingly global and virtual world. Where better service at lower tax rates can be provided virtually for most government services and governments can utilize new technologies to better delight their constituents, we, the citizens of the Digital Nation, pledge to use these tools to foster freedom trust, prosperity, and progress.

A nation built on trust and freedom
We can’t have trust without freedom and we can’t have freedom without trust. Trust can be achieved through better identity products and services, and a clear no-tolerance way to eliminate people from the nation who would challenge that trust.
Better faster cheaper services
Draper Nation is dedicated to bringing free and open services wherever possible to its netizens. Examples might be:
- Free disease diagnosis, since with enough data, AI can achieve better results than the average doctor. Eventually, free calculations of cures for the disease, and recommendations for cure molecules and for better health.
- Free financial counselling from AI. We expect that most financial counselling is replicable.
- Fair and low cost Taxing in Bitcoin. Accounting on the Blockchain. We expect businesses and individuals to move to a crypto economy eventually, in which all taxes are paid in real time at the time of the transaction, so there will be no need for accounting, auditing, IRS agents, bookkeeping, transfer agents, tax lawyers, etc.
- Free counselling from AI for career, marriage, child raising, mental preparedness and health.
- Free education services in AI. Along with LLP-ChatGPT like services, we expect to be able to train student on a wide variety of educational topics, and then write software to build qualification and certification for students.

Inclusivity and Equality of Rights (not outcomes)
- Every trustworthy netizen, irrespective of their origin, beliefs, or location, is a valued member of the Digital Nation.
- Discrimination and dishonesty, in any form, is not tolerated. Every individual has equal rights and opportunities.
- The Nation will thrive on love and peace. We will not enter or participate in any land-based government war.
- To avoid “trendy” laws that add friction to the progress of the people of the Nation, The Nation will not add regulations to the Nation’s netizens without a decade of debate. The Nation is built on progress. Any friction to that progress must be vetted through a long process.
- Freedom of expression is paramount. Debate is essential to progress. People may all express their feelings, opinions, hopes and dreams without recourse or consequence from the Nation.

Education & Innovation
Encourage innovation and support creators and educators, ensuring that new ideas and technologies help people prosper.

Transparent Governance
- Decisions are made collectively, with mechanisms in place for direct digital or liquid democracy. No taxation without full direct or liquid vote on every issue.
- Leadership shall be transitory. No one leader shall hold his/her position for more than 5 years. There will be at least three equal leaders for every decision-making position required for government
- If AI can fairly and properly handle a government position, AI will be used.

Digital Economy
- Foster an environment where digital businesses thrive, ensuring that they are fair and frictionless to the community.
- Promote fair trade and commerce, ensuring that every transaction is transparent and secure. There will be no tariffs or non-tariff barriers to trade among the people of the Draper Nation.

Environment & Sustainability
We will promote collaboration on solutions for global challenges, using the power of collective intelligence and entrepreneurial efforts. We will encourage entrepreneurs, and we will celebrate and honour their successes.

Open Source and Collaboration
- Advocate for open-source solutions, fostering a spirit of collaboration and sharing.
- Celebrate the contributions of individuals, ensuring that knowledge is freely accessible.

Global Citizenship
- As a borderless entity, we respect and collaborate with physical nations, recognizing our shared humanity.
- We allow citizens of land-based governments to also be netizens of Draper Nation.
Break Barriers. Live Borderless. Be free.
Ever wondered what it means to be a citizen of a country that exists entirely on the internet? Welcome to Draper Nation, the world's first borderless, self-governed digital nation.